31 August, 2011


I have the city of brotherly love on my mind at the moment....

8.5 days, 7 workouts and a TON of anticipation.

This is keeping me from going postal on everyone in my office....okay, well Boss and a few others, as they do their damndest to be oblivious, irritating and intolerably bitchy and snipey about everything under the sun. Today, everything under the sun includes - among many, many other things - presentation tabs. I don't know why it takes eight emails to spell out that we need exactly what we already have, just more of it, but apparently this is what is required to push this asinine and unnecessary acquisition forward and it is rocket science to some people. Boss is also happily contributing by being inexplicably unable to navigate the use of a three hole puncher on Boss's own. I have a degree. I'm a smart girl. I swear.

But in 8 days, I'm not gonna be thinking about it for even a second.

Can't. wait. See? Now I'm smiling again. Yay.

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