15 August, 2011

in review....

I decided I’ll do a little marathon training recap for anyone who cares to read, but also to have the summary to look back on as I adjust my training. I’ve trained for a marathon before, but that was many, many years ago and then I couldn’t afford the trip to get myself to it (it is in Jamaica and I’m still going to do it someday), so I never actually completed the training. Anyway, the point is that the coolest thing about this is that it is a new venture. And that I have a lot to accomplish in an uncomfortably short period of time.

So this week was sort of a prep week, since it was my first week of training. The long run was only 6 miles and it sucked, so I am hoping that my runs this week will prepare me a little better for an 8 miler on Saturday. I haven’t exactly figured out the days I want to train yet, because while part of me loves having an entire day (ie: Sunday) to just be off work and play and everything, having a day off on Tuesday or Wednesday may be more efficient in terms of just being tired mid-week, which usually happens. Maybe making Monday my long day is the answer, which would be fitting because Monday was always long steady state when I was training for other sports.

And there you have it. Nonsense and the knowledge that last week’s training culminated in a shitty 10k. No worries though, I am on the up and up and now that I’m starting to feel my legs again, my mojo ain’t far behind.

O yeah and happy fucking Monday.

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