30 January, 2013


If I change my address to the library, I wonder if they will actually just bring my mail up to my permanent station here.  I had forgotten what it's like to be a fixture on a campus.  Too bad I don't have the cachet of being a top athlete at the school, anymore, because the minor celebrity was fun.

Posting remains at a minimum because IFRS, cost accounting, microecon and a few other fun things are sucking up my time on a daily basis.

I have had enough time to read about how other countries are rejecting our meat exports because we have all sorts of wacky chemicals in our food.  It's so insanely concerning that it makes me beyond glad that I'm a hippie who shops at farmer's markets and only eats organic meat products, if I eat meat at all.  More on this later.

I also had time to digest a lovely story on a looney dude who murdered a kid who pulled into his driveway by accident.  Man am I glad I have no affiliation with the south.  It just hurts my soul though, to think of how many ignorant assholes are out there, packing heat to keep the brown people away from them.  Come into the twenty first century, idiots.

That's all for today, back to calculating labor rates and overhead. 

09 January, 2013


I'm just in this kind of mood....deal with it.  I'm sore, my hamstrings are crying out (for joy) and I'm going back for more today, so I thought I'd pass along the vibes.  No matter how old you are, or how far outside your former greatness you get, there is still greatness to be pursued, triumph to be won and satisfaction to be enjoyed. 

All things look good from the attitude of FSU.  Hall of Fame in my mind.   

01 January, 2013


Change.  Challenge.  Learn. 

2012 was a year of great success and great challenge for nearly everyone I am close to.  And yet we seem to all have emerged with a greater sense of self, of purpose and willingness to push forward. 

After the festivities, the toasting, the hugs and the texts to those who couldn't join us, there was the usual gawking and head-shaking as to what people would have to fight or cry about on a hopeful night, coupled with the wonderment as to why people need to be so amateur as to get completely obliterated and puke all over each other.  But then, on the walk home, it was time to start thinking and scheming. 

I love scheming.  2013 will surely bring with it new happiness, new challenges, new pain and new lessons.  I am of the age now where I believe in looking forward with excitement and squaring up to each new year and opportunity.  It is not enough for time to pass, one must live deliberately and with purpose, or what's the point?

Today, I had the chance to start my year by celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and going to view the original document.  It is a powerful thing to think back on that time in our history, see how far we have come, and realize how far we've yet to go as a human race.  Perfect to take notice of that on the first day of a new year and take some time to reflect on how to better participate in the human experience.  It is always worth remembering why it is imperative to treat each person with respect, dignity and genuine interest and understanding. 

I hope you wished those close to you well, embraced and said goodbye to all that occurred in the last year and are looking forward with excitement to what is to come.  It will be fun to chronicle. 
