29 January, 2015

it's time

I have decided and now decree, it's time to start writing again.  Still about nothing specific, but more about anything even remotely substantive.  

So to the one person in Russia who reads this and also to google.bot, get ready.  

06 January, 2015

things and stuff

So feedback from people who don't read this at all says that this should either be a food or crazy-man-story blog.  While I do cook a lot (though not enough to advise anyone else on anything) and am in search of a man who is not bizarre, crazy, or a few other unfortunate things, I feel those two subjects are generally sort of maxed out.  Plus, I enjoy the freedom that writing about pretty much nothing and having no readers affords me.  

Today, Insomnia (which I feel deserves proper noun status, at this point), is leading me to pontificate about why everything lately seems to hinge on the acquisition and showing off of things and stuff.  What kind of item x do you own?  Where do you vacation?  What brag-worthy restaurant have you eaten at in the last 5 days?  Did you hear there is a sale at Nieman's?  Who made your jewelry?  These little nuggets are generally followed by something in the order of "did you seeeeee what he/ she was wearing/ did?  OMG."  

I'm aware that the overall level of vapidness is at and will most likely remain at an all time high.  I realize that even though people will put themselves into debt in order to keep up with the Joneses, the avoidance of being gossip-worthy to other hollow individuals has a level of importance which far surpasses the content of one's brain or character.  I get it.  I hate it, but I get it.  Am I allowed to just skip it?

And in addition to that last question, why is it I feel the need to defend everyone from the mean girls of the world?   Who elected me defender of the frumpy, financially responsible, or just plain picked on set?  Why am I up thinking about this stuff?  I mean, that I watched a girl who was engaged over the weekend pan her enormous and sparkly ring to everyone with ears, because it was purchased in the diamond district and not at Tiffany's, is not really news.  That I hear conversations like this with increasing frequency however, is disquieting.  

You know, some days I'm glad I grew up on powdered milk....an ancillary little fact a food blogger would most likely never mention.