18 December, 2013


If you are typing and your thumb should accidentally hover over the track pad on my laptop, you will suddenly find yourself in the midst of a completely different function or section of the page, from where you started or intended to be.  This is infuriating. 

Also infuriating - or rather confounding - is the rampant anger and hating for the sake of hating that is everywhere, right now.  I blame the internet.  I know that sounds like a joke, but I really do.  It is now en vogue to hate things, verbalize them, recruit others to your hating and then refuse to even acknowledge any other points of view.  Why is this?  When did compromise and productivity become so gauche?

Just a question for the day, because I'm tired and sore and don't have the capacity to delve further and get....well, angry....about all the anger. 

09 December, 2013


A 95 year old man passed away last week, after a protracted bout with lung infections and various other illnesses.  He was survived by his children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and the rest of the world.  Though how we will survive and who will grow to fill his shoes is yet uncertain.  My heart broke a little with his passing, because he affected my life in a profound way. 

Adventure in peace Madiba, the world will feel both your life and your passing in immeasurable ways, forever.