26 August, 2011


This morning I woke up antsy and unsatisfied. I think this is as a result of training and being tired and having insomnia and not being able to sleep. I didn't run this morning and I was sort of beating myself up about it, so I tidied up my room, wrote out my next steps on the dry erase, took a shower and came to work.

Then I read something I have made a point of not reading, just because I felt like it and this place is boring. It was exactly what I needed, despite the fact that it irritated the shit out of me. The irritation lasted about ten minutes. Then I sat back and thought about how being upset for even a second isn't worth it, because I don't actually care about anything I had read. I pondered that for a minute.

Then, as if on cue, I got a text and a wide, mischievous smile came over my face.

Back to diving in headfirst.

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