04 November, 2008

birthday voting

Today is my birthday (well technically it was yesterday). Tomorrow is election day (which is technically today).

For my birthday, I would like for everyone to inform themselves on the candidates, their policy ideas, their contradictions and their ethics.

Then I would like everyone to make an unemotional decision about this at the polls.

Do not vote for the person you think is better looking. Do not vote for the person whose suits appeal to you more. Do not make your choice based on liking a candidate's name better, skin color better, hair better or wife better. These are all emotional choices that have nothing to do with anything and they are bullshit.

DO vote for the person whose economic ideas (you estimate) will get our country out of the cavernous hole we are in. Do vote for the person who you think has the leadership qualities to get necessary policy passed. Do vote for the person you think will be able to improve our standing and reputation with the rest of the world.

And then stand by your decision and have a really good, logical reason for doing it.

If you can't do those things, then don't vote. There's nothing worse than the person who goes out and casts an irresponsible ballot. Better to stay home than fuck the country up even more by being reckless with your privilege.

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