14 November, 2008


Yet another reason why I love Brooklyn. After an escapist night watching football and drinking (a lot of) beer, it took me 2 hours and 15 minutes to get home, party people.

The total mileage of the trip was about 7 miles.

So my pontificating post for this Thursday evening / Friday morning, will have to wait, because I got back to no-man's-land a little too late. Yup, I'm a poet.

So while I'm at it, with shit that doesn't matter and things I'm not really interested in, 3 months until I can start looking in Manhattan again and be back closer to my peeps. Having to constantly travel to the people who actually care if I'm around is a total pain in the ass, but it's been an interesting spell I've spent here in the stix and I don't regret the clarity it has given me on many levels.

Well then. That was interesting to approximately no one, so I will beef back up with all sorts of fantastic anecdotes, real soon. Yeeee haw.

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