01 October, 2007

....ing while sleeping

I feel I am a danger to myself and society this morning. I can barely hold my head up and even after 2 cups of coffee and listening to the rock music all morning, I am fighting with every blink. Every time my eyelids meet, there is a little war waged to get them to separate again. They somehow seem to be magnetized in a powerful way.

I don't intend to operate heavy machinery or go near large bodies of water, but that is not the danger of which I speak. I'm supposed to work now. I'm supposed to coerce people out of large sums of money and actually make what I'm selling come off as a must-have for anyone in or near my industry. I'm supposed to have phone, e mail and in-person interaction that is professional, concise and convincing. All on about 2 hours of actual sleep and after about 10 pints of Guinness, which were really tasty, by the way.

This leads me to a question on which I ponder frequently. How the fuck do millions of people go out on weekdays on a regular basis? How do they do it? I simply must know, because I'm so fucking drained for days if I go out on a weekend, that I can't imagine how each day would drag and torture me if I were to hit the nightlife scene multiple days a week plus the weekends, too. I would blame my lethargy on my age, but:

a) I'm not that old, and

b) The people out are in my age group.

So what is the answer? Does one just keep drinking and get the body used to that much alcohol? Train for mid-week partying, if you will? Is this the part where loads of cocaine and red-bull come in?

A sidebar story for that question is totally unconfirmed, but this person had no reason to lie about it either. She went for an interview in the financial district at a mid-size firm. The interview was going okay, but everyone seemed really jumpy and high energy to her. When she went to the bathroom, she noticed mirrors out on the counter tops and one of them had a certain residue on it. Hmmmmm......

Anyway, they can't all be coked up, though that would offer good explanation to the flurry of activity on weeknights. So then, how do they do it? When my mountain of available time comes around, I'll add this to the list of things I intend to investigate and of course, I'll report back on my findings, in detail. Until then, I'll just keep the hope alive that with age comes a better constitution. Not bloody likely to come about, though.

1 comment :

Pete Cipollone said...

It is all about the yayo.