30 September, 2007


If you could be a superhero, what would your power be?

I took this magazine quiz with a friend of mine one time and it asked, among other things, if you could have a super power, what would it be? I thought about this for a minute and I have come to the conclusion that it was actually a really good question. There are a few ways you could think about it, but I'm not talking about the tricking-people-into-having-sex-with you-through-mind-control power, or being able to shape shift to evade and eavesdrop. No matter where you come from or what your station in life, everyone has something that pertains to their lives that a superpower could totally wrap up.

Yes, I realize this question is totally cliche, but I don't care because I'm applying it to a more practical aspect of real life. For instance, would you be able to do flash long division or calculus in order to produce logarithms and forecasting models at a fraction of the current rate?

Or, perhaps you would be able to mix the dye and peroxide, or other natural dying agent, exactly right
every single time you did a highlight application, thus guaranteeing you a customer base for life.

Then again, perhaps you would be able to wake up fresh, rested and hydrated no matter what time you went to bed. I'd probably choose that one, for obvious reasons, but if you were.....say....an alcoholic, you could totally prolong the point in time where you would be found out, because half the battle of being an alcoholic is the utter
fatigue involved in keeping that situation going.

You could be "Super-Get-Out-Of-Fights" girl, or "Super-Endurance-Shit-Taker" guy, or even "Super-Never-Tired-Forearms-And-Shoulders-Massage-Therapist" person. The options are endless, really.

But I digress. I can't lie, I went over the utter futility of imagining this in my mind and my inner obnoxious said that it was stupid and even dangerous to go flirting with crazy ideas like superpowers. No way in hell we're ever going to start genetically engineering things to produce a greater return. Pahshaw to that.

Then again, it doesn't hurt to wonder. Perhaps sooner than later I will become "Super-Dollar-Earner" girl.......it could happen.

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