16 September, 2007


...tly. How important is honesty and are there degrees of such a thing? I have several questions centered around this topic. Can you really claim to be honest and still be secretive at the same time? What prompts one to decide that secrecy, no matter how seemingly innocuous it may be, is a good course of action? Secrecy denotes that one has things to hide. And if one has things to hide, is one truly honest?

Assuming for a moment that there are degrees to being honest, who determines them and would all parties involved in said honesty-degree-defining concur as to the definition and execution of the protocol, once defined?

I only wonder because I'm distrustful. I'm also honest to a fault; something I wish I could remedy, but I can't seem to get the straightforward in me to bend. I've been curious about this for most of my life. Curious and confused, and now I'd like some input on the matter, because it doesn't seem like it's going to get resolved in this noggin.

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