31 January, 2012


People will tell you a lot. I mean a LOT. All you have to do is listen and they will tell you everything one way or the other. They will say what they want you to know, or what will point you in the direction of what they want you to think most of the time, but drop in bits here and there that tell you how they deal with things and what they really think of themselves. Lisssssen to people. Then after the listening, observe. Because after all of the talking, they will DO what they really do and their actions will show you who they really are and how much of what they said was true. It's a proven theory, a million times over. I'm not suggesting entrapment, manipulation or judgement. Just simple listening and observing, as with this approach to human relationships it is easy to determine what your level of involvement with a person should be.

It's pretty easy when someone's words and actions match up, whether good or bad. I'm highly in favor of the simplicity of that, but things tend to get muddled when someone begins talking and acting out of both sides of themselves, in an effort to manipulate a person or situation to his or her benefit. In my studies, I've found that it can be easy to get caught up, without the aforementioned observation plan. Getting caught up in the drama is bad and there is no point. I have also learned that after one has observed capricious behavior, the shiftiness will often increase in defense of bad behavior. If you've already taken note of the inconsistency, it can be quite amusing to sit back and watch the 'I'm-over-here-no-wait-now-I'm-over-heeere-show'. Amusing because of the labrynthine lengths some will go to in order to make it seem as though they are projecting their best self to others. Basically, it's funny - though not necessarily haha funny - because it's so not simple, is fairly obviously off and is a waste of everyone's time.

At one point in my life, I would get caught up in the web from time to time, trying to sift through the inconsistencies to figure out what is really going on. That, my friends, is like quicksand. There is no point and the only thing that can come of that is that you feel overwhelmed and confused and have to figure your way out, while the quicksand feels nothing out of the ordinary and just cruises on. The new policy is - and I don't give a shit if it's harsh - when inconsistencies arise, ask. If it seems fishy, there is a lot of over-explanation, or I'm met with anger, I simply move on. I don't have time for inconsistencies or elaborate stories. If something doesn't make sense, especially after explanation, it, or some part of it, is probably not true. 'Nuff said. No big challenge, no fight. Just keepin it moving.

This tends to aggravate the shifty one and often he or she will react with snide anger, or some sort of challenge, or insult, thus making those little tidbits that were divulged in a cleverly disguised moment of joking self-deprecation, float to the top and be seen clearly, making it yet more logical to just walk away from the situation entirely.

We only have time for simple, now.

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