06 January, 2012

free gym advice!

Yay for awake for no good reason! Maybe if I get all stoked about it, I'll start falling asleep at a reasonable hour. But as long as I'm up and a little punchy, I may as well throw out something funny. So here ya go.

This is stolen from the Wall Street Journal, but it is a pretty good summation of how to be successful at the gym. Sadly, this is the time of year when the gym is way crowded, because everyone in the tri-state area just realized how fat and sloth-like they have gotten (ahem...this year I am included in that crowd).

I find the article somewhat stimulating however, because it basically says over the course of 27 items - in a slightly nicer, tongue-in-cheek tone - that all of the gimmick and bullshit is.....gimmick and bullshit. Hm.

Consistency and commitment are the only way to be successful, kind of like with everything. Who'da thunk.

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