11 January, 2012


Boss can do it all, even from Burma. Yes, Burma the country, that is 12 hours ahead of New York.  Boss can't even stop for the sake of vacation.

Today's installment will cover the act of second guessing. Not me second guessing myself, mind you - though that is an unfortunate side effect - but Boss, second guessing every. single. thing. I. do. Literally, everything. Today, an item came through via email, which Boss is frenetically checking from a five star adventure in Burma (no joke). Boss could not read the attachment and so forwarded said email and attachment to me, asking me to open and relay the information back via email. I complied. I noted the contents of the fax, which happened to be a redemption request - something I dealt with on nearly a daily basis at my old firm - and sent the details back via email, as requested. That should have been the end.

But who was the request from?

I pointed out that this was in the first email, and reiterated the name of the investor, the fund being redeemed and the amount of the redemption.

But no, who is actually redeeming?

Again, name of the investor, amount AND the name of the person who signed off on the request.

No, you're not understanding me, who is it FROM???

After getting the same correct answer four times from me, Boss was apparently launched into a tizzy and forwarded the email to a colleague, cc'ing me on the forward, asking yet again, as if to learn me a lesson on how incompetent I am. And guess what? The respondent said - verbatim - what I said. So what the fuck? Thanks for the fucking vote of confidence, Boss. Turns out I know what the fuck I'm talking about. And yeah, I know I was right. It wasn't a guess, so you don't need to try and placate me by letting me know that I was, in fact, correct.

The aforementioned motivation I spoke of in yesterday's entry? It's on blast now.

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