04 January, 2012


I feel compelled to write a bit, lately. It's kind of nice to have the urge, but I'm in that place where I can't pin any thought down long enough to actually extract something quantifiable. Ever have that? I will have a thousand idears and then when I try to elaborate on one of them, my brain gets agitated and moves on to the next.

For example, I was going to write something just now about going out drinking with coworkers. Yeah, funny story, but I can't seem to flesh it out at the moment, so that one will have to wait. I made a deal with a friend of mine that for the month of January, I would sit in meditative silence for at least fifteen minutes per day and I'm thinking maybe that will quiet the maelstrom of thoughts and give me a chance to focus a little better.

Perhaps I will try meditating at work tomorrow. Maybe fall into some Office Space-like trance and suddenly not give a shit about anything. Until then however, this post is about, well nothing.

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