So here's how progressive I am. I went to have a drink tonight with my ex-boyfriend's son. Yes, my ex-boyfriend had knocked someone up at a young age, married her, divorced her and many years later, I met his son.
We became kind of close while I was dating dude, the son and I, so when I broke up with dude, it was kind of sad because I wasn't going to see Son anymore. Then we became friends on facebook. That totally makes it real, right? Facebook? Well it may not mean anything, but it does allow a chance to reconnect or make plans, which we did.
So I met Son on the corner because for some bizarre reason there was a bar over by Penn Station that he said he liked. I generally avoid Penn Station and by way of that, interaction with hordes of Long Island people, but I showed up anyway. Turns out Son wanted to meet on a corner, so he could be sure he wasn't being set up by his dad. In fact, that was the first thing he told me - that he hasn't talked to his dad and thought that it may be some kind of set up to get them talking again. Having had virtually no contact with my mother for years on end, I totally understand and we squashed the whole set up scenario, since I was secretly kind of worried he would be doing the same thing to me.
So there I was with Son, on a roofdeck with a Blue Moon for four hours. Yes, for four hours we sat and just talked and he told me what he's up to and what he wants and what he's afraid of and what he's excited about. It was awesome and I totally remember why I liked this kid in the first place. Articulate, good head on his shoulders, good sense of responsibility. He's also not really a kid, at 27, but hey....when you are talking about your ex's son, it's logical to call him a kid. I also learned, over the course of those hours, that all of my hunches and suspicions and questions about dude were completely right on. All of the little things that didn't quite add up and ultimately led me to leave him, were, in fact, lies. I'm not hurt by this, because I kind of saw it in real time, but it's nice to have my sanity and intuition verified.
As a sidebar, upon hearing of my plans to have drinks with Son, a friend of mine said "is he hot?"
"I'm not even going down that path of thoughts," I said. "Can you even imagine that conversation?? So....uh....'member when I used to sleep with your dad?"
No way, I am not doubling down on one family. But I will have drinks with him and listen to his big plans and try and give him advice when he asks for it. Because I'm progressive and I don't throw the baby out with the bathwater. Neither of us talk to him anymore, anyway.
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