13 October, 2011


A question for the ages....

How the fuck can I be exhausted every single day, yet be perpetually unable to sleep?

In other news.....I read this quote in the news this morning, and I have to say, while there is pretty much a 0.0 chance of me voting for him, regarding the idea that god has any place in government or should be used as a political weapon, I completely agree with 'ol Mittens on this:

“The idea that we somehow as political candidates are going to encourage the American people to make our selection based upon religion that is an idea that is entirely foreign to a nation which was founded with religious tolerance, religious plurality, religious respect. I think that is just the wrong direction for the country and not within the spirit of our nation’s heritage,” he continued.
“I just don’t believe that that kind of divisiveness based on religion has a place in this country,” Romney told reporters.

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