07 October, 2011


Nothing surprises me anymore. Having lived in Manhattan for seven years now - and having lived in practically every neighborhood - when I see people screaming, or jumping, or beating each other up, or sitting in a pink speedo and an open, flowery shirt with gold chains highlighting the chest hair with painted-white sunglasses, it really doesn't faze me anymore. It's part of the fabric of the city.

However, tonight (last night when you're reading this), there I was, sauntering my neighborhood while I talked on the phone when all of a sudden, a man walked by in a pair of jeans and a random, regular jacket, with a red, plastic devil mask on. He started growling. Like, stopped as he intersected my path and with his hands up, stared at me and growled menacingly.

Of course I didn't give him a second glance and kept walking, but then he actually followed me a few steps and started to growl louder and as he did that, he stopped at a bus stop structure and started jumping up and down and beating on the glass.

What was he trying to accomplish?

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