23 July, 2008


I am generally a pretty mellow person. I am most often described as "laid back" and "cool", though I don't think the latter refers to my sense of style or chic, but more to a general affability.

There are things in this world however, that draw a quick and volcanic reaction from me (at least inwardly). Maybe, is one of those things. Seeing someone incessantly maybe'd is almost as frustrating as being maybe'd yourself. It just sort of smacks of a general lack of consideration from one person to another.

Maybe sounds to me, much the same way "that's stupid," or "fuck off" sound to other people. Maybe says "I just want to buy a little time so you will forget, something will come up, or I can think of a good excuse." Maybe is the word your parents used when you were little and they had no idea how to handle the situation. Maybe was what they said because they couldn't cope with a tantrum or the whiny-whyyyy, or when they didn't have time to think of a logical excuse to say no, on the spot.

Maybe is what your friends say when they don't want to hurt your feelings, but have very little interest in what you're talking about and maybe is what significant others say to buy time until they can fill the slot with something that is a legitimate place-taker, thereby getting out of whatever it is you have asked them to participate in.

I do concede that there are 'maybes' that are not intended nor interpreted to be negative or clandestine, however, those maybes are pretty clear most of the time, and therefore are not the ones of which I speak, here.

When in an awkward position of not wanting to do something, what is one to do? If you can't put a 'maybe' place-holder, what can you do? It's a quandary for sure and one I've been in before, but when used somewhat sparingly, it can be effective in keeping situations free of tension.

But that maybe that is trotted out on the regular....that guy's gotta go for sure. When you find yourself 'maybe-ing' someone over simple things that you used to have no problem with, well then it seems its time to take inventory of why you are spending enough time with someone that you can a) trot out the maybe to more often then not, and b) what the reasons are behind never committing to what is proposed.

To me it says selfishness, but maybe I have no idea.....

Maybe I do.

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