06 July, 2008


Suicide may be painless, but pain is painful; both to cause and to feel. At least if one has any sense of self or feeling.

But once it's done, it's done and out of anyone's hands, but the hurt. Shitty position to be in, but we live with our decisions and hope for the best, I guess. What's meant to be will be and that's the way it goes.

I feel it is important to note however, resignation doesn't always mean giving up; sometimes it may just mean an effort not to inflict more of that abundant element. They say that time and space heal wounds and that forgiveness and love conquer all. They say that mistakes are made to be worked through and learned from and that everyone has made them, so everyone can learn something. At the moment, I reserve judgement or comment on the subject. It's all just shitty, but it will work out for the best.....whatever that is.

So I hear.

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