30 July, 2008

as if i needed another

reason to hate Texas.

Texas is a bass-ackward place that I am embarrassed to have as a part of our nation. I have no doubt that there are many fine people living in Texas at any given time, however they are clearly lacking at least a smidgin of sense, to still be living there, and they in their niceness, are not enough to offset all of the ick. Tons of ick in Texas, which is a state which arguably, has its head up it's ass on just about every subject I can think of. Texas is one of the major reasons that I fear the south.

Here's just another example why Texas is backwards and ridiculous. In the name of "independence" and a desire to avoid appearing TRENDY, of all things, Texas decides it will not collect or reuse recyclable materials, because among other things, it's out of the way, driving-wise. Why are they here?

I propose that Texans no longer be in charge of anything, because they are clearly, well behind the times at this point. On January 20th, one source of stress will be eliminated, after 8 years of total idiocy and destructive policy, and that is a great place to start. Until its residents and businesses can stop polluting everything and learn to get along, I think Texas needs to stand with its nose in the corner.

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