01 January, 2008

too dubble ot ate

Hello party people!

Welcome to 2008, the year that will not suck! Wooooooo hoo!

For nearly everyone I know, the latter half of 2007 sucked the cock, so I declare 2008 the year that does NOT suck the cock. We, and by we I mean all of us (and you know who you are, if you're included), will be prosperous, happy, not without some element of struggle, but content in the overall sense.

And just to interject, since it's the first of the year.....for fucks sakes, don't anyone start some stupid diet. You are fantastic the way you are and if you don't think so, then go for a fucking run now and then. Let's no one get caught up in this "resolution" bullshit, 'cause it's seriously for the birds. And we all know that the birds just eat and shit, so their opinion means about as much as that slut, Anne Coulter's.

There, I said it. Damn, I love having a brain.

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