29 September, 2011

lil mich

I am developing a serious girl crush. This woman is so....well....

Michelle Bachman is taking me by storm. I mean, I feel like I'm cheating on Sarah Palin, because I don't know if I'm allowed to be morbidly fascinated with two hyper-conservative, wingnut, "christian" women, but I think it's okay.

Michelle Bachman has completely bought into her shtick. Her husband can cure gays and she can make it so that we have no taxes at all! That pesky infrastructure is ancillary, guys...we don't need it! Did I mention that she shows up with a unicorn in a pink Trans Am to all her rallies? Amazing that one.

And unlike her roguey-mavericky counterpart, Palin, she can actually finish something. My Michelle, well she doesn't ditch out half way and waffle around like that campy Palin does, under the guise of "helping the nation" (read raking in cash from idiots who believe her rhetoric). Michelle Bachman will finish her term and her campaign and dutifully give us more whimsical, factually inaccurate quotes before the Republican nominee is chosen.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

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