30 September, 2011

liker disliker

I'm a man-lover by definition. Love the way men smell, the way they look, feel....you get the idea.

Today however, I am a man-disliker. Not a man-hater, because I don't know that I could ever hate a gender that I so love to look at, hang out with and uh....all the rest of the stuff that doesn't need to be articulated. There is no way I can keep this disliking up for long, but I feel I must be heard, at this juncture.

I dislike at this point in time, because I have no representatives of the Y chromosome persuasion in the last handful of years who are able to follow through on anything or do anything other than talk, talk, talk, or rather text, text, text. I loathe dating, hence my conscious effort to avoid getting into relationships for most of my life. Dating is like a great waterslide that ends with a cliff and a craggy beach below - tons of fun, followed by excruciating pain and annoyance. Meeting people is fun. Making out is fun. Getting to know what makes people tick and what you have in common is fun. Until it isn't, or until the lack of pursuit or follow through, followed by a bunch of excuses comes along and it gets tedious.

Men of the world: you have become insanely lazy with your courting efforts. I speak not only for myself here. If you plan to get into the goodies, you had better plan to be amazing and deserving of them. I guess this is why I have chosen spinsterhood for so long. No, boys, there is nothing wrong with me, I don't bring baggage to a situation and yes, I really am that cool. I don't go looking for problems, but if something isn't right....I'm outta there. Too little time in life to waste it on inconsistency.

Get your shit together Y's. And then, elect a worthy representative to date me. I refuse to give up the hope and confidence I have in all of you, o men who I appreciate so much. Don't let my guy friends be the only stand up dudes in my life. I want the whole thing, so deliver. The challenge has been issued.....

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