16 September, 2011


So here's what's awesome: my peeps will be in town this weekend! Well two of them, anyway.

The funny thing about making changes in your life is that all of a sudden, all of these random, not seemingly interconnected things start happening. People suddenly are free to come and visit, clothes fit better, dates come out of the woodwork and - shockingly - even the financial despair eases up a tad (a small tad, due to a $340 phone bill....whaaaat?).

So this weekend in addition to a two and a half hour run in a pain cave, I will have two of my way back in the day dudes in town for fun and hyjinx and probably some unconventional and immature activities. This means however, that tonight I have to mind my bevvies so that I can complete said run in the smallest pain cave possible.

This is yet another awesome benefit of training. Sacrifice. I am relearning the sacrifice struggle of having so much to do that is questionably healthy, and instead choosing my goals, when a conflict arises. These guys know me well enough and from that time period where I was a leader in that aspect, to know that I both can and will get it all done. And I will have extra people cheering for me as I cruise across the finish line in 49 days, with another box checked.

With that said, bring on the Moscow Mule - my new favorite.

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