17 October, 2008


Strange things are happening.

The Red Sox won last night. While I am happy about this (even though I couldn't give a squirt of piss about baseball), I am surprised and amazed at the quality of comeback excitement this team can generate. Kinda makes me wonder why they don't just play hard in the first place.

I had a dream from which I have just awakened where I was in the neighborhood I grew up in, but the house I was at belonged to a good friend I know from college. I was there for Christmas and was asked to go and re-park the horse. Yes, the horse. I had to take the horse out of the driveway, turn it around, then pull it up onto the lawn and tie it to the branch of a tree, which was the same tree that was in my front yard for all of my youth. The horse then laid down and gave me sad eyes.

My neighbor, a couple blocks over, has a Serengeti-esque display of plastic animals attacking each other in the planter box in front of his house. It is complete with flailing zebras being harpooned by the incisors of tigers and has fake, painted on blood to boot. One of these days, I will take a photo when I walk by, so you can see the grandeur for yourselves.

One can purchase McCain and Obama temporary tattoos. As if we needed another campaign tool. Not only can you vote with coffee cups, but you can actually paste the name of your chosen candidate on your body. This is horrifying to me. No stranger should be important enough to affix to your skin. When i see someone with this, I will flog them.

The lady at the laundromat seems to think that I'm out to get her. She stares at me with this horrified expression when I come in. I think it's just because she has never seen a giant woman before, who is at the same time, so strikingly beautiful and personable. Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, small, round, Russian woman. I don't hurt. I only use my powers for good.

It's all very surreal, especially at 3:36 in the morning. Lucky I'm too lazy to even remove my computer from my bed when I find the tired setting in.

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