03 October, 2008


Here is what I thought about the debates last night.

Joe Biden should have taken his teeth out of the glass and used them on Sarah Palin; lord knows she gave him enough opportunity.

Sarah Palin did not completely tank and embarrass herself like she did with Katie Couric, so I think she can declare a personal victory. I'm still not sure though, that she knows anything at all about her running mate, other than that at one time in his life, he was in a cell in a communist country and wants to put the government "back on the side of the people", whatever that means.

In my opinion, Biden distanced himself from her as someone not hiding behind rhetoric, who can admit fallibility and over-zeal, but who has a distinct direction in which he wants to go.

It was a tie until about 2/3 of the way through, and then Biden got tired of playing footsie and started actually nailing down some points and Palin ran out of steam and sound bytes and just started to sound like some talking head from Minnesota, doncha know.

32 days and counting.

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