07 October, 2008

sad environs

Yes, it's all in vogue to talk about "green" these days. But did you know that one in four mammals is in danger of extinction? We have lost so much already, how much further does it need to go so everyone can own an Escalade and big business can have its smokestacks and oversized profits, too?

If you can't see the polar ice caps melting, then it's not happening, right? No big deal that there are no more snow days in rapidly growing portions of the northeast. What are a few one hundred degree days in southern California anyway? It's technically desert, right?

I have an idea, let's spend the next ten years drilling, so that we can waste a lot of time and money on futility. Ignoring the problem is so much more effective and letting it all waste away until it's all irreparably damaged is so much easier. And we all know that as long as it's kinda easy now, we can just shove it all away to another day and it might magically repair itself. Yeah, let's bank on that; totally gonna work.

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