22 October, 2008


I work in a nice building, in the financial district. It's a very nice building with a sick view, actually. They have put some thought into this building and into making it convenient for the occupants.

For example, the building is divided so that if you are on the first 22 floors, you take one set of elevator banks and if you are on the top 22 floors, you take another. This, presumably, is to keep everyone from wasting time getting to their office, and having to stop at 15 unnecessary floors along the way. Additionally, within each elevator bank, there are six, yes six elevators waiting to whisk tenants to their desks.

So why the fuck does everyone have to crowd into the same damn elevator every morning? This just makes me nuts. It's going to happen tomorrow morning, I know it. I know it because it happened this morning, and yesterday morning, and Friday morning, and so on.

Why is it that people feel that they have to run, flailing through the lobby, hurling themselves into the two inch crack in the closing door, and cram themselves in with one another, thus stalling the process for the occupants already in and ready to begin their ascent? Why is it that these idiots would rather force a few more stops on everyone, than wait the twenty or so seconds until another set of doors opens to reveal the cavernous expanse of a new, fresh, empty car? Why?

You already know my answer to that question, but I think the most baffling thing is that these are not inherently stupid people we are talking about here. I mean, they do exist in my building, but by and large, to lease a chunk of this real estate, your company has to be well funded and legit, thereby leading one to believe that to work for a well funded and legit company, each person must also be much higher on the legitimacy scale than say, the people waiting for the City Sights tour out on the corner on Whitehall St.

Also curious is why this makes my blood boil at such a tender hour of the day, but stupidity generally does that to me, no matter what the hour. One day though, my patience is going to run out and I'm going to be forced to demand an answer to this question. The only thing keeping me from doing it now, is that I already know the quizzical and vacant look I will receive in return.

See, what I know about stupidity is this; it doesn't even know it's stupid. It thinks it is in a hurry, or important, or logical and therefore won't get the joke or the irritation when called out.

And so I continue to seethe.

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