23 June, 2008

oily mess

Ah the Bush-ster. The lamest of the lame ducks. Does anyone really give a crap what he's saying or "calling for" anymore? I can't even bring myself to loathe him quite as much, because he's just so dumb and his grip over my poor country will soon be over. And let's all pray to someone that no one else in his family ever thinks of running again. Not even for the PTA board.

But alas, he is still in office and now I must comment on his latest plea to the people; a re-awakening of the offshore drilling discussion. Yes, let's sink all of our money and efforts into punching holes into the continental shelf. There's gotta be some stuff in there that we can use. Forget the screams and cries for alternative energy, by the atmosphere itself, if not by the human occupants of our globe. According to many, all of whom are conveniently running the oil industry, we have enough oil for 40 years. O my goodness 40 whole years?! Wow. I mean, 40 years is totally a long time. As long as we have oil for 40 years, why bother with an aggressive switch to alternatives that are less damaging? Drill dammit!

I find it decidedly interesting that this debate has become one of those "right v. left" topics now, too. Whatever happened to people just generally having the best interests of our species in mind? Has anyone on the Bush side of the debate bothered to note that we've gone through virtually all of that oil we are scrambling after in less than 100 years? Anyone bothered to give a nod to the fact that our irresponsible industrialization is what is most directly responsible for this quandry in which we find ourselves? No, because the H3 just came out and since it uses less gas than the original Hummer, it's totally not as bad for the environment, right? And it only costs $80 to fill up, which is a drop in the bucket when compared with the cool factor.

So let's just leave it to us crazy hippies to fret over what we're going to do when our earth kicks us all in the ass, after we've taxed it to its limit. The way out of this mess will be a burden in the short run, but imagine a world where your grand kids can't turn their faces up to the sun, because there is no atmospheric barrier to protect them from it. Won't that be fun?

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