27 June, 2008


I have been waking up extremely confused lately and it's because of several dreams I've had. The mind is an interesting mine field and at night, while I toil at peaceful sleep - which I realize is somewhat of an oxymoron - my noggin is actively processing everything with which I have ever come into contact and playing it out on the screen behind my eyeballs in a freakshow / circus-like fashion. Surprised? I didn't think so.

I'm still not quite sure what they mean, but I am sure that they are all bizarre; bizarre enough to share in this most public of all public forums with my vast audience.

1. The football coach: This one isn't the hugest stretch, since I coached a team of high school boys in a sport for quite a while. However, that sport was definitely not football. What happened in this dream, was I had an entire football team all to myself. No defensive or offensive coordinators, no random kids just out of college to conduct drills, no whiny teacher / administrator / former football player coaches to slow things down. Just me.

I appointed captains and got things moving and I think I did a pretty good dream-time, job. But the part I remember the most vividly, was a very talented, but kind-of lazy kid coming up to me - his curly hair mopped to his head with sweat - to tell me that he didn't think he would go to college to play, because if he just got a job at the store down the street after high school, he could start making money right away and live large. I grabbed him by the collar and I yelled this:

"What the hell makes you think that a scholarship to a university, a degree from that university, and a career job in 4 years isn't going to yield more than what you'd make in those same 4 years working in that shithole down the block? Why don't you go mull that over in your brain and get back to me."


2. Stuck in the non-bathroom: So there I was in my childhood home, where the people who spawned me still reside. I don't know why I was there, but I was stuck in the bathroom that is attached to their bedroom. Crazy thing was, there was a nice, tile floor and a shower. No sink, no counter, no vanity, no toilet. The walls and ceiling were covered in various kinds of wallpaper, which resembled metallic wrapping paper, more than anything else. Each wall was sloppily sectioned off and there were curtain sheers draped at odd angles all over the place, as well. So metallic pink and silver flowers were interrupted by stripes and then a random green sheer, in a room with no windows.

I stood perplexed in the room and I don't think I ever ended up taking a shower.

3. Mole removal: I was at the beach with some friends in this one. Actually, they were friends that probably don't even know about each other and a random guy from work that I don't think I've shared more than 5 sentences with in the entire time I've worked there. So there we were on the beach, when a discussion of removing moles came up and over walked a doctor, in full lab coat regalia, with a scalpel and forceps. 2 of the conversations participants then had their procedures done, right there on the shore. I stood and marvelled and wondered if it hurt. The guy from work got sick over to the side of where we were sitting.

4. Picture hanging: Again with 2 of the 3 participants of the mole removal dream, I was in my current apartment, although it was spiffed out to look more modern, slightly more airy and more well-furnished. We were engaged in hanging pictures, and in the dream, I not only had art of which I was proud, but I had it in frames that were befitting of art that someone is immensely proud of. Neither of these things are a reality, currently.

So after breaking the glass on one frame, someone had a miraculous idea for how to mend the glass and make it new again. After the mysterious mending was complete, the picture was hung, only for me to see that the frame had enormous pock marks and a large chunk missing close to one corner. When I questioned why this was so and why it was hung anyway, my friend said "Well the glass is fixed, isn't it?" I stared at it until I woke up. I don't know what art inhabited the befallen frame.

I used to keep a diary of dreams, among other things, but after it was stolen from me several years ago (along with about $4k worth of other items), my enthusiasm for it slowed. Now that I have remembered these 4 dreams in only the last 2 days, maybe I'll pick it up again. As it turns out, they don't call me odd for no reason.

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