06 May, 2008


Now, I don't have too much time to write right now, but I absolutely must comment on 2 peculiar things that just happened to me. Both, not ironically, were at the post office, which ranks in the top 3 of places I loathe.

First: There is a handy little machine outside the main office where you can weigh a letter or parcel, obtain postage, pay and mail right there, without the interminably long burden of waiting in line. I've used it before. It lessens the sting of having to go in and actually deal with the postal employees. So I walked in and took my place, third in line for the nifty, time-saver machine.

Watching us was a postal employee. He stood, idle, drinking some sort of juice beverage from a straw with glazed eyes, resting one of his arms on his protruding belly. He waited a good 5 or 6 minutes for the first person in line to get frustrated and walk away. He then waited for the second person in line to get frustrated and begin an animated tirade at the machine. This ate up another 5 minutes. After observing all of this for over 10 minutes (yes, I timed it), he finally walked up and said to the lot of us (3 more people were behind me at this point),
"Uh, O yeah, that thing's broken. Been broke all week."


So I walked inside to take my place with the other drones who had the life sucked out of them by the US Postal Service. And we trudged and waited, as if part of a scraggly chain gang shuffling along in the chow line. And then I looked at the tellers and burst into laughter.

One of the tellers had a fantastic 70's style shaggy haircut, the front part hairsprayed into a beautiful feathered wave that pulled the hair back from his face. He had a shiner. I wonder.....how did he get that shiner? His orbital seemed to be in tact though, so he couldn't have been hit that hard. My thought is that the fat, juice-drinker outside had a grudge against mister feathered-bangs and waited juuuuust long enough for someone to get pissed off at the machine. Irritated and irate, the rampant Postal Service guest went...uh...well, postal (ahhthankyou) and boxed the teller in the peeper.

Good stuff.

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