03 April, 2008


So I'm relegated to writing from my blackberry, because my already shaky computer is cramped up in a mass of my earthly belongings somewhere in Brooklyn while I languish, homeless.

Granted, I'm waiting out my homeless phase in a million dollar apartment in mid-town, but its not like my bills are getting paid due to my overdrawn account, defaulted au cause de said homelessness. It's so fucking obnoxious that I'm not even mad, because it's just too damn funny.

I intend to continue faking my wealth and success though, in fact I'm quite committed to it. It is pretty much the only way I can think of to not start practicing the art of pickpocketing and thievery to sustain myself; wealthy people only do that the white collar way.

"....and if I make me, I'll fuck me in my own way."

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