30 August, 2012


Republicans make me tired.  Not all of them mind you, but as a collective group.....man, what a bunch of wackos.  Even Reagan couldn't be a republican by today's standards and he has been their go-to reminiscing guy for several presidential cycles.  I heard they were going to teleport him in for the RNC, giving his posthumous approval of Mittens.  Cause that's realistic.  The Gipper would have been like whuuuuut?  You people are truly nuts.

According to Paul Ryan (who is raging against all sorts of things, like women, gays, minorities and equality - but was told to fuck off by Tom Morello) "[they] are going to win these debate (sic)".  YEEAAAHHH!!!!  It's almost too good.  I see on the Facebook - which we all know is the arbiter of all fact and reality - it's perfectly okay that Mittens doesn't release his taxes (but it wasn't okay for Obama not to), and it's great that he has paid any at all, for that matter.  I mean, look, he said he never paid below 13%.  Um, excuse me?  Can I fucking pay 13% taxes, please?  How does it not strike any of those people - most of whom are paying in the thirty percent range - as odd?  Really people?

It's okay that Willard doesn't articulate any plans as to what he's actually going to DO (everyone demanded a 4029342 point plan from Obama and then lambasted him when it wasn't all accomplished in the first two years).  It's okay that the overall financial proposals of this Republican ticket, basically fuck over everyone who is not a member of the two-person Republican ticket.  How do the very people in the middle class who are stumping for these jackasses not see that they, themselves are going to get screwed with a smile and no lube, by the very people they are trying to put into office?  It's astounding.  But hey, as long as it's not Obama, right?  I mean, the guy that wants to bolster the middle class and cut the number of people who are wallowing in poverty due to the efficacy of trickle down economics....well, he's just all bad.

This is a rant.  I'm not going to edit it and I'm probably not even going to spell check it, so if it comes out as disjointed, I don't care.  I'm just truly mystified as to what happened to all the logical Republicans in the world.  When did they ALL become bigoted, hating, fear-mongering, god-wielding wackos?  It used to be just the far right....that small contingent of militia type people that are funny until they start talking about race wars and conspiracies.  O by the way, did you know that Obama set up that movie theater shooting in Colorado?  Yeah.  Makes perfect sense, right?

When Obama wins again, I hope all of those people really DO move to another country, as they are threatening to do.  I hope they DO go to Canada.  Where they have socialized medicine.  And greater rights and entitlements for their citizens.  And take care of their people.  It would be awesome, actually, to see how that pans out.

Mkay, buh bye.

UPDATE:  This is what you get when Paul Ryan gives an empassioned speech...a bunch of completely untrue statements delivered as though they are fact. 

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