15 August, 2012


Sometimes it's best to know when to call it a night and this is one of those times.  Before I do however, here are some things I found interesting / hilarious today:

Paul Ryan - I can go on about this for a while, but basically, I am actually really stoked that mittens chose this dbag to be his running mate.  Any woman who votes for this ticket is a moron.

Getting sweated - this is just weird.  Dating is weird, I choose to look at it all as curious and funny.  I continue to do my thing.

Budgeting - I am in charge of writing the 2013 budget for my department, despite only having been there a few weeks.  They must know how much time I spend on excel, tirelessly poring over my own measly finances and coming up with money where before, none existed.

Maureen Dowd - We are friends on facebook.  I can't even begin to describe how stoked this makes me.

Mac n' Cheese - I don't like pasta or processed foods much at all, but this evil, blue-boxed treasure continues to woo me at least once a pay period.

And now, we sleep.

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