27 August, 2012


Everyday I start to write and everyday my penning plans are shut down by various other items, most of which I don't want to be doing.  I think they call that "life", but whatever to that.  School begins tomorrow, so I'm pretty sure this kind of awesome social life I have built out of thin air is about to take a nosedive.  I believe they also call that "life" and whatever to that, too.  

I have been existing on literally zero dollars for over two months now.  I am 18 days away from the paycheck that has some funds that I'll get to keep.  I should also be getting financial aid, but I've pretty much given up on that, since no one seems to give a shit if I actually pay for school or not.  It's mildly infuriating, that part, but I will figure out a way to conjure books and software out of thin air, just because I have to. 

The best part of the last few months - other than the incredible slew of bad, interesting and hilarious dates I have been on - is that medically, my body finally waited until I HAD insurance to get all persnickety.  

So I have this tooth right....  This is a cautionary tale, by the way.  So I have this tooth.  One time, several years ago, I was vacationing in Mexico with a friend of mine.  We were lounging in the sun, watching whales breach in the Pacific Ocean, drinking our faces off and I was eating my weight in ceviche, because the stuff they had at our resort was out of control good.  I literally ate it everyday for at least one and sometimes two meals.  In one of those delicious mounds of citrussy fish however, was a shell of some kind.  That shell chipped my tooth.  My back molar, to be precise.  So of course I ignored it, because that's what I do when something hurts.  About 3 days later, I pulled out the chipped piece of tooth because it was stabbing me in the gums and that's just annoying. 

I did not visit the dentist. 

It didn't hurt bad enough to warrant whatever the out of pocket would be, was my reasoning.  I caution you never to use this logic, as it is fundamentally flawed and will cost you thousands of dollars, down the line.  Lucky for me, I now have dental insurance again, because turns out I needed a root canal due to having ignored it for many years and now will need not only a crown, but a crown extension.  Yeah that crack goes alllllll the way down, well below my gum line and so I get to endure multiple appointments and a couple thousand bucks, because I'm tough.  Don't be tough when it comes to the chompers, people.  The only person that's going to hurt is you.  And o how that hurts. 

Tell you what though, the other chompers are lookin pearly, though.  I've been smiling a lot, so I know. 

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