12 September, 2012


My my how time flies.  So let's see....observations....

I don't see crazy people yelling or talking to themselves down here, nearly as much as I did in NY, so it makes me kind of happy in a sick way, when I do.  Yesterday on the bus ride to work there was an adorable little girl, probably about two years old, with the pigtails and the yellow dress and the whole bit.  She was pretty quiet and would occasionally squirm in her seat, but she wasn't fussing and was just commenting on colors and such.  We all enjoyed watching her on her bus ride discovery mission. 

Except for the crotchety old homeless dude sitting across from her.  He was yelling at her and at one point he said "what the fuck is wrong with you?!  Didn't your parents ever teach you anything?" 

I interjected for a second - for my own amusement, of course - and said "um, sir....they might not have gotten that far in the last two years."  He scowled. 

Chances are good I will be quitting my job at this company, whose mission I love, because I was overpromised on how they would be willing to work around school.  This, I think, is a good, albeit insanely scary thing.  Why can't people hold up their end of the deal?  Ever?  See, I can't work sixty hours a week and carry two classes, one of which is insanely difficult and requires about ten study hours a week.  Sorry folks, but I did tell you that before I signed the offer letter. 

Oh and last - and probably most funski - I woke (again) to a nightmare that seemed all too real, that my ex was stalking me with a gun and threatening to shoot me.  He was sitting there, tapping it against his teeth and waving it casually around, in my direction.  When I got away from him and went somewhere I thought I was safe, he coerced someone to let him in, because he had his old military uniform on.  I wish i could tell you I believe this to be completely unrealistic, but alas, I do not, since he detailed his stalking to me, at one point.  I'm telling you folks, never go out with an angry person.  Just don't do it. 

Okay then.  My brain is overflowing with probability distribution and I think I need to turn it off, now.  Mkay. 

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