29 March, 2012


It's free flowing now. I officially have less than a month left in the city and I just have stars in my eyes about this place I've called home for the better part of a decade. I saw this today and it made me realize I'll actually even miss the Manhattan Mini Storage ads. They are always funny.

Boss has made it exceedingly easy for me to get a resignation letter together and set a time for myself to go in and say I'm sooooooooooooooooooo outta here - in the nicest and most professional sort of way, of course.

This person, who wears fugly Manolo's to the office everyday (I didn't realize he even had it in him to create ugly shoes, but she's found every pair), flipped out about an un-sharpened pencil. Apparently it was sort of dulled, so the best thing Boss could think to do was run out of the office waving it and proclaiming it dead, and then demand an entire, sharpened box immediately.

So I walked to Boss's drawer, opened the left top drawer, pulled the dozen pencils I had to sharpen last week when such a fit occurred, set them on Boss's desk and walked away. I have a degree.

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