28 March, 2012


Boss gave me a compliment today. Yeah, it freaked the shit out of me, too. I was tired and run down all day, due to fighting off whatever it is that half my office has, and my big plan was to go home after work and face plant into bed. Then the unexpected compliment came and right around the same time I received a text: "Want to go to Wahoo's?"

The compliment came only because Boss was painted into a corner and had no other option but to back me up, since my records were impeccable. Nonetheless, it was nice to not be thrown under the bus. And as anyone who knows me knows, I could go to Wahoo's every single day, so that's a no-brainer.

Wahoo's, to those who are unfamiliar, is the best Mexican food joint in the universe. It's kind of Mexi-Cali-wai'ian food and it's healthy and insanely delicious and cheap, to boot. I've been eating there for over twenty years and I really feel like you can't go wrong with that place. So we hit that up, gorged ourselves and then I decided to walk home, since it was a really nice evening and I had missed my workout for fish tacos.

As I went along, I cut through Madison Square park and saw two twenty-somethings practicing some sort of dance shuffle on the sand. The Flatiron building looked beautiful as always, and I wondered if I was going to have time to come back that way and appreciate that particular area again. I walked down 26th Street past my old apartment, where the Crazy's still live, cruised out on 7th Avenue and watched a guy drumming on a bucket, a couple of pans and some other assorted objects. I even walked (mostly) through Times Square - which was tolerable because of the late hour - and the theater district. By the time I got home, I was engulfed by how much I love this city.

I woke up at 3am to go get some water and my blackberry was blinking. It was Boss. I knew she couldn't handle the pressure of acknowledging that I do a good job. "Where ar my file lbels?", she wrote. "Get yourslef oranized, this is anoying."

Too bad I prioritized work yesterday and got all of our organizing docs sent to Luxembourg instead of printing up labels for her fucking shoes.

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