20 December, 2011


I may have put this up at some point in the last few years, but who cares. This quote bears repeating and is one of my favorites:

"If you treat a man how he is, he will remain how he is. If you treat a man how he could be, he will be come what he ought to be and should be."

Heard that at a young age, and it's one of those that stuck with me. I translate it to: being nice to people and treating them well bears returns not just in the fact that your relationship with that person (whether male, female, friend or lover) improves and is stable and happy, but in that the person's opinion of him or herself improves and they treat everyone in their lives better. If someone has ever done that for you (and someone has for me), then it's good practice to pay it forward, as your life has benefited.

People in my life and one in particular, are being very nice to me right now. I appreciate it and it makes me feel good. I'm [trying to be] nice back. Even to boss.

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