22 December, 2011

o man......

Yeah, so this happened. Yet another installment highlighting the rationale behind my 'no relationships' thing, lately. It doesn't get much funnier than this.  Decent guy, but such an obtuse request.
And without further ado......

Dude: We were supposed to be doing a dinner at my friend Jenny's house, but everyone bailed except for me, want to maybe do something for Christmas, or is that too much too early?
Me: the Jenny you hook up with?
Dude: we haven't hooked up in years
Dude: but yes, that one
Me: you like to keep em close, don't you
Dude: when you have mutual friends, it's hard not to...haha
Me: insurance policy
Me: you realize she may have worked it out that it was just the two of you?
Dude: no, I didn't think that at all
Dude: maybe I should bail
Dude: LOL
Me: wait, so you were asking me to join you for dinner at the house of some chick you used to fuck, just the three of us? You're on your own there, buddy, sorry
Dude: silly girl, people were coming after dinner for drinks
Me: yeah, i'm gonna go with no on that one, haha
Dude: you suck
Dude: i don't want to go alone, haha
Me: no, i really don't.
Me: i'm not putting myself in that position no way. for future reference, the answer to a question like that will always be no.
Dude: bite me
Me: and you wonder why i don't want a relationship with you. hahahahahahaha...o man.
Me: best question ever.
Dude: bite me
Me: you do see how ridiculous that is, right?
Dude: nope
Me: seriously?
Dude: seriously
Me: wow. hm. well i don't know what to tell you then, but purposely putting me in an awkward situation and being patently unaware, to boot, is pretty ridiculous.
Me: maybe think about a role reversal? I dunno.

Not much I can add to that one. Still laughing, though.

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