21 December, 2012

first day....

I'll do the obligatory 'it's the end of the world and we know it....and I feel fiiiiiine', thing.  Got to give something up to REM for coining the phrase that is probably being most used today and for the next few days. 

But seriously....if this is what the end of the world - or an era - feels like, well sign me up.  Haven't been so happy or hopeful in half a decade.  I woke up this morning feeling amazing, with all smiles and I'm hoping this continues in perpetuity, 'cause I could get used to that shit, for sure. 

And this has me thinking.....whether or not the end of whatever is metaphorical or real, isn't it a perfect time to take stock and live with intention - like it really is the first day of the rest of your life?  And wouldn't it be nice to start right now and make a habit of finding joy somewhere in every day?  It's there for the finding, just a matter of attitude and perspective. 

Happy first day of the world....


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