30 August, 2012


Republicans make me tired.  Not all of them mind you, but as a collective group.....man, what a bunch of wackos.  Even Reagan couldn't be a republican by today's standards and he has been their go-to reminiscing guy for several presidential cycles.  I heard they were going to teleport him in for the RNC, giving his posthumous approval of Mittens.  Cause that's realistic.  The Gipper would have been like whuuuuut?  You people are truly nuts.

According to Paul Ryan (who is raging against all sorts of things, like women, gays, minorities and equality - but was told to fuck off by Tom Morello) "[they] are going to win these debate (sic)".  YEEAAAHHH!!!!  It's almost too good.  I see on the Facebook - which we all know is the arbiter of all fact and reality - it's perfectly okay that Mittens doesn't release his taxes (but it wasn't okay for Obama not to), and it's great that he has paid any at all, for that matter.  I mean, look, he said he never paid below 13%.  Um, excuse me?  Can I fucking pay 13% taxes, please?  How does it not strike any of those people - most of whom are paying in the thirty percent range - as odd?  Really people?

It's okay that Willard doesn't articulate any plans as to what he's actually going to DO (everyone demanded a 4029342 point plan from Obama and then lambasted him when it wasn't all accomplished in the first two years).  It's okay that the overall financial proposals of this Republican ticket, basically fuck over everyone who is not a member of the two-person Republican ticket.  How do the very people in the middle class who are stumping for these jackasses not see that they, themselves are going to get screwed with a smile and no lube, by the very people they are trying to put into office?  It's astounding.  But hey, as long as it's not Obama, right?  I mean, the guy that wants to bolster the middle class and cut the number of people who are wallowing in poverty due to the efficacy of trickle down economics....well, he's just all bad.

This is a rant.  I'm not going to edit it and I'm probably not even going to spell check it, so if it comes out as disjointed, I don't care.  I'm just truly mystified as to what happened to all the logical Republicans in the world.  When did they ALL become bigoted, hating, fear-mongering, god-wielding wackos?  It used to be just the far right....that small contingent of militia type people that are funny until they start talking about race wars and conspiracies.  O by the way, did you know that Obama set up that movie theater shooting in Colorado?  Yeah.  Makes perfect sense, right?

When Obama wins again, I hope all of those people really DO move to another country, as they are threatening to do.  I hope they DO go to Canada.  Where they have socialized medicine.  And greater rights and entitlements for their citizens.  And take care of their people.  It would be awesome, actually, to see how that pans out.

Mkay, buh bye.

UPDATE:  This is what you get when Paul Ryan gives an empassioned speech...a bunch of completely untrue statements delivered as though they are fact. 

27 August, 2012


Everyday I start to write and everyday my penning plans are shut down by various other items, most of which I don't want to be doing.  I think they call that "life", but whatever to that.  School begins tomorrow, so I'm pretty sure this kind of awesome social life I have built out of thin air is about to take a nosedive.  I believe they also call that "life" and whatever to that, too.  

I have been existing on literally zero dollars for over two months now.  I am 18 days away from the paycheck that has some funds that I'll get to keep.  I should also be getting financial aid, but I've pretty much given up on that, since no one seems to give a shit if I actually pay for school or not.  It's mildly infuriating, that part, but I will figure out a way to conjure books and software out of thin air, just because I have to. 

The best part of the last few months - other than the incredible slew of bad, interesting and hilarious dates I have been on - is that medically, my body finally waited until I HAD insurance to get all persnickety.  

So I have this tooth right....  This is a cautionary tale, by the way.  So I have this tooth.  One time, several years ago, I was vacationing in Mexico with a friend of mine.  We were lounging in the sun, watching whales breach in the Pacific Ocean, drinking our faces off and I was eating my weight in ceviche, because the stuff they had at our resort was out of control good.  I literally ate it everyday for at least one and sometimes two meals.  In one of those delicious mounds of citrussy fish however, was a shell of some kind.  That shell chipped my tooth.  My back molar, to be precise.  So of course I ignored it, because that's what I do when something hurts.  About 3 days later, I pulled out the chipped piece of tooth because it was stabbing me in the gums and that's just annoying. 

I did not visit the dentist. 

It didn't hurt bad enough to warrant whatever the out of pocket would be, was my reasoning.  I caution you never to use this logic, as it is fundamentally flawed and will cost you thousands of dollars, down the line.  Lucky for me, I now have dental insurance again, because turns out I needed a root canal due to having ignored it for many years and now will need not only a crown, but a crown extension.  Yeah that crack goes alllllll the way down, well below my gum line and so I get to endure multiple appointments and a couple thousand bucks, because I'm tough.  Don't be tough when it comes to the chompers, people.  The only person that's going to hurt is you.  And o how that hurts. 

Tell you what though, the other chompers are lookin pearly, though.  I've been smiling a lot, so I know. 

15 August, 2012


Sometimes it's best to know when to call it a night and this is one of those times.  Before I do however, here are some things I found interesting / hilarious today:

Paul Ryan - I can go on about this for a while, but basically, I am actually really stoked that mittens chose this dbag to be his running mate.  Any woman who votes for this ticket is a moron.

Getting sweated - this is just weird.  Dating is weird, I choose to look at it all as curious and funny.  I continue to do my thing.

Budgeting - I am in charge of writing the 2013 budget for my department, despite only having been there a few weeks.  They must know how much time I spend on excel, tirelessly poring over my own measly finances and coming up with money where before, none existed.

Maureen Dowd - We are friends on facebook.  I can't even begin to describe how stoked this makes me.

Mac n' Cheese - I don't like pasta or processed foods much at all, but this evil, blue-boxed treasure continues to woo me at least once a pay period.

And now, we sleep.

09 August, 2012


Things like this only make the writer look really stupid and weak.  It's okay, Yuksel, I know it's hard to be puny and sniveling and have nothing other than a penis to prove you're a man.  But I hate to break it to you.....strong, athletic women with muscle tone, speed and endurance, well that's just beautiful. 

I realize it may make us harder to control and may also deliver a jolt of fear through men who live in and run oppressive societies, but that's your problem, friend.  We're going to keep on kicking ass.  Girls run the world, buddy.  Get used to it. 

06 August, 2012


Saw the movie Les Intouchables last night.  It was an excellent choice and is one I'll probably buy, eventually.  Unexpected, great night and I have also discovered that using Old Bay spice on calamari is pretty damn delicious. 

So there I was, cruising along, random things falling into place, just enjoying my life, despite the fact that I literally have $6 to my name.  Literally.  $6.  Yeah, it hurts, but whaddyagonnado?  Everything else feels pretty good.  Best friend is moving within twenty minutes of me in about three weeks, school starting in two, gym directly behind my office, making all sorts of new friends, job I like.  What else could there be?

Then a little notice popped up this morning.  Shook my whole world - in a good way.  This could very well be an opportunity that was about 4 years in the making.  No point in forecasting the weather for 2013 right now, but suffice it to say, that bolt of electricity ran right through me and my week just got a whole lot more interesting. 

Damn, DC, you really know how to do right by this girl, so far.  I mean, really.

02 August, 2012


What a week.  What a two months, actually, but what a week.

I got my official acceptance letter to school.  My diabolical plan is working (more on that later).  Oh yeah, and then I watched a friend of mine win a gold medal.  Rowing is a somewhat obscure sport, so this wasn't heavily publicized.  You won't see this on ESPN.  None of those dudes are going to be going on and on about what an insanely successful group of women populate the USA Women's 8+.

I mean, no biggy....they are only 7-peat world champions and back to back gold medalists.  I was watching PTI the other day at the gym and listening to this goatee'd dipshit talk about how "they" are trying to make sports like swimming and such seem legitimate like basketball, but they're just not.  Fuck you, jackass.  The fact that a bunch of d-bag millionaires go slumming in the Olympics does not make them legitimate, nor does it make basketball, football, golf, or any of the other ESPN favorites legitimate.  It just makes them cash cows.  The one US team you won't find me rooting for is our idiot "dream team".  Not a man in there works as hard as the swimmers and the rowers, I guarantee you.

The thing that I love about the Olympics is that the underlying idea behind the games is sport for the sake of sport.  Sport for the amateur athlete who practices and bleeds and works and works and works for the love of the pursuit.  Not for the millions of dollars, not for the hot, nasty chicks, not for the cars and the diamonds.  Just because they love being good at what they do.  Because the smell of the water, or the sound of the bubbles under the boat, or the searing, seemingly unending pain refreshes the soul and gives a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that you just can't buy. 

I love all sports.  I love watching pretty much any sport and I respect the work that goes into being good at anything one wants to do, but it is just infuriating to me when some has-been, or never-was on a cheesy set tries to act like athletes who do sports other than football, basketball, golf, baseball or hockey are trying to legitimize themselves and make money.  These are the people who just don't get it and never will.  That dude and others who think like him are just a joke to me and a poor excuse for representatives of any athletic endeavor.

I sat there with tears in my eyes watching people I know have gold medals put around their necks, for the 5th or 6th time.  Yeah I know those kinds of people.  And that's not to make me look good, it's to demonstrate that having been on the cusp of that dream and knowing dozens of people who have achieved it, I know what went into that medal and believe me.....it is legitimate.

Sport is pure, it's the commentators and the sponsors that fuck it up.