07 July, 2012


It's hot.  I mean it's what the fuuuuck hot.  Had dinner and drinks last night and we were both schvitzing so badly on a rooftop deck that we skipped the little touches that give one a clue to how the date is going, entirely (this turned out to be a good thing, actually).  My arms had a sheen to them that was borderline embarrassing. 

No bother, however, because I wasn't prepared to argue the definition of a nerd or be told I don't fit into his definition because of my lack of interest in video games, mythical creatures such as dragons and elves, and comic books.  I'm very, very happy not to fit in, based on those criteria.  Dating sucks the cack, man.  Thank god for living close and early nights.

But I did learn something.....I have come to realize I can't multitask in the dating arena.  Once I find someone I like, I stick with it and since I kind of hate dating, going out with a series of 'maybe's' just has no appeal to me.  You can be a good looking nerd and be 6'5, but height is not enough reason to steer away from chemistry.  Enough o that, though.  I soldier on, happily single until someone makes me smile for no reason at all.

So Check this shit out.....

I'm up early today though and ready to move from one storage unit to another, in order to save about $50 a month, because, well, it's still like that.  It has to happen today.  See that little 105 on the right?  Yeah, that's trying to bust through my windows, right now.  I guess the good news is, we're not suffering alone.

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