03 July, 2012


Frustration.  The greatest motivator and yet the greatest, well, frustrator. 

Am I a poacher if I take advantage of a situation that seems to be dropped in my lap with work, which could lead directly into my chosen career path and doesn't involve me hurting anyone?

Am I a rebound if I take advantage of the affections of someone who may or may not be ready to move forward from his last relationship?  Still feeling that one out, of course, but my interest is high and so is my guard.

Am I stupid for having thrown myself into a precarious financial situation, relying on my resourcefulness to make up for the fact that unforeseen circumstances have the potential to derail this fragile balance I have at the moment?

Weirdest day ever and all I know at the moment, is that insomnia is a powerful thing and the wheels of my brain are turning faster than the lids of my eyes are heavy.

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