30 April, 2012

good. bye. enn. why.

I'm too tired and worn out to be poetic at the moment.  I guess it's fitting for a place that is so curt and cold, that I simply say 'see ya, New York'.

Good gravy has it been a nearly (and sometimes was) illegal amount of fun, an Everest of challenges, and a quick and dirty road to a solid future path.  I'm lying on a blow up mattress in what used to be my living room, waiting for the next four hours to pass, so I can get boarded and hit the road.

New York, I will pine for you later.  Today you taxed the shit out of me, in more ways than one, yet you rewarded me with time with a friend, a thoroughly satisfying dinner, and a beautiful night.  You always know how to finish it off, so that things linger in my mind, and that's why I'm in love with you, my home of nearly the last decade.  You always seem to know when to come in and show me something new, something I forgot about, or something I always love, to keep me wanting more.

My heart is breaking a little.  I love New York.

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