03 February, 2012

gettin hyoooch

This is awesome.

The "fitness industry" makes more money than all of us combined will ever see in a lifetime, largely off of candy bars and shit you can't pronounce, that is most likely really bad for you.

I make myself protein shakes occasionally, when I am not getting enough protein through my regular diet to deal with lifting. After very long workouts, I will take something called Endurox, which is a drink that is made for recovery purposes. It works. Beyond that, I think most supplements are pretty dumb and not very healthful.

I used to know a dude that would buy huge bottles of L-tyrosine and take them fistfulls at a time. The recommended dosage is about 2 pills a day. He said they were his 'happy pills' and that he couldn't function without them. It was a ruse; there was nothing happy about him, pills or no.

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