15 February, 2012


Today's installment involves the simple transaction of a document compilation and hand-off. This should be a fairly straightforward process. A book of documents was needed for a board meeting, and I was tasked with putting said book together.

While compiling this book, I couldn't print a doc because it wouldn't open properly. I had other people try, also with no success. After much tribulation on the part of about four people - one of whom was our top IT person, another of whom is Boss - we finally got it to open and print, I completed the pack and walked it in to give to Boss. This should be simple and straightforward....I walk in, hand her the book, walk out. Of course if that were the case in actuality, there would be no story and I would not be writing about this right now.

I walk into Boss's office to give it to Boss and say as a matter of affirmation, "I got that doc to print---" and am promptly cut me off with "I have no idea what you're talking about." With that snip, Boss turns her back to me in a huff, despite having been part of the process not five minutes earlier. I replied, "that's probably because I hadn't finished the sentence." I stood there for a second, out of curiosity to see what she would say next.

No reply, just her back turned to me, nose in the air. I'm not even exaggerating about the nose in the air. It really was - as much as it can be for a sexagenarian troll. Ahh, Tuesday.

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