However, after yesterday's stalemate of complete bullshit with this tea party driven congress of jokers and do-nothing-ers, I'm glad to see that the public is beginning to have some perspective on the relative evils in some of our government institutions, if nothing else.
You know what I say? Fine. Do nothing, jackasses. By doing nothing, the Bush tax cuts get repealed and taxes go back to those of the Clinton years when everything was going pretty well. Then - while you bitch about that and the gross injustice of your own ineptitude - maybe the rest of us could take a page from the WPA era and give some people jobs repairing our infrastructure, or something crazy like that. In wasting all this time trying to make the president look bad, they are going to accidentally repeal the tax protection for the most wealthy and get themselves all voted out. Here's hoping!
Carry on, morons, carry on.
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