19 September, 2010


See, the thing about dealing with assholes, is that by and large they don't actually believe that they ARE assholes. It's a tricky situation when someone believes that despite their bad behavior, obnoxious attacks and complete disregard for anyone around them, that they are indeed a "good person".

That phrase - good person - gets thrown around too much these days. Because there are a lot of not-good people out there, most of whom think they are good, loyal, honest, etc. But honesty and goodness seem to be quite subjective these days. One seems to be able to simply claim the title in order to have it. I think some of this has to do with the whole benefit of the doubt thing.

For instance....if someone is "nice" to another person, they automatically get a billing of good. If that same person is nice to a select few people, but an asshole to everyone else, said person seems to feel as though their decent behavior to the few, should wash away the many, when in fact, it does not. Once it is proven to someone that their benefit of the doubt was indeed erroneous, that benefit is expired and the true relationship - or lack thereof - begins, with the granter having the harsh realization that they have been had.

Generally when this happens, the asshole will scramble and try to make nice so that the ruse won't be exposed, but when the jig is up, the jig is up, because as we all know, leopards don't change their spots. They can put on a zebra costume, but then it's just a leopard in a zebra shell.....an asshole in nice's clothing.

My advice to assholes, is to stop acting like they are not something that they are. If you're an asshole, wear it. Own it. Assholes can be dealt with, but only if this trait is up front. If the recipient of assholery knows the deal up front, he or she can make allowances and plan escape routes, thereby minimizing contact and interaction and avoiding the pain and frustration of dealing with a shoddy, self-indulgent person.

So assholes of the world, I plead with you to take off your masks and stop parading around as legitimately nice people. It's confusing, annoying, and costly. Thank you.

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